Balance Board

What are balance boards?

Balance boards,  are tools for excercise, rehabilitation or fitness, where you can stand on while performing exercises to help improve balance and posture, aid in rehabilitation, prevent lower body injuries, and increase core strength.

A balance board is typically made of wood and has a flat top and a dome-shaped, unstable bottom in the center of the board. This allows the board to move in different directions.

Rocker boards can be rectangular or have a curved U-shape, which allows you to move from side to side or from front to back.

Physical therapists often use balance boards in the rehabilitation of lower leg injuries — more specifically, ankle sprains. Balance boards are also a valuable training aid for preventing sports-related injuries and protecting against falls in people of all ages.

Additional benefits of using a balance board include:

- improved balance and coordination
- stronger lower leg muscles, especially the peroneals
- increased motor skills
- injury prevention, especially for the ankles
- help with injury rehabilitation
- improved posture

Do balance boards really work?

Using balance or wobble boards can train the muscles, ligaments, and tendons to work together to create stability at the ankle. ... Participants who used a wobble board twice a week for 9 weeks showed a significantly greater increase in standing time on a wobble board than the control group.

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