The 4 need-to-know rules for proper sail storage

Windsurf sail is one of the most sensitive pieces of windsurfing equipment. With teared up sail it is easier to reach the coast than with broken mast, but sail can be damaged very easily - whether during storage, rigging up the sail, while sailing ... To weaken the monofilm, it is already enough to leaving the sail on the beach and sun for hours, days, weeks... And the with first serious wind or a tougher touch, the weakest point (usually creases) on the sail can loosen up and you have a hole in the sail.

Graham Ezzy explains in the video the 4 main rules about the sail storage:

1. Keep the battens parallel while rolling
2. Tighten the sail one rolled
3. A tight roll protects the sail from creasing damage
4. Store sails horizontally or with the luff down